Volunteers needed for the Zoning Board of Adjustments


Zoning Board of Adjustment is Looking for Volunteers

The Zoning Board is responsible for granting relief where appropriate, and "interpreting the Town's Zoning Ordinances taking into consideration the protection of the Town and the interests and safety of residents" by hearing requests for variances, special exceptions, and administrative appeals. The Zoning Board meets on a as needed basis on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm.  Typically the ZBA hears 3-5 cases per year. 

Our municipalities run on the commitment and dedication of two major groups: employees and volunteers. These individuals come from varied backgrounds and give to the community in so many ways, from those who fundraise or donate time to staff a table at an event, to those who serve on boards and committees, to town managers, administrative assistants, and road agents. Many of them have other major commitments, families, and even other jobs. As a Chichester volunteer, you will have the opportunity to contribute your unique talents and energy toward providing a richer quality of life for your community and share in an opportunity for self-development and self-fulfillment. 

If you think you might be interested in applying to volunteer on the ZBA, or would like further information, please contact Kristy Jobin, Planning Coordinator at  KJobin@ChichesterNH.org or call 603-798-5350 ext. 201