Notice of Public Hearing on Zoning Amendments

A second and final public hearing will be held, in accordance with the provisions of RSA 675:7, at the Grange Hall at 54 Main Street, on February 4, 2019 at 6:30 PM on proposed amendments to the Chichester Zoning Ordinance. The proposals were prepared by the Planning Board. The effect of the proposed amendments would be to:

  1. To update references to NH State Statutes, as applicable.
  2. To change the basis of zoning districts from soils-based to districts with conventional minimum lot sizes, including adjusting zoning on specific lots from 5 to 2 acres, and 2 acres to 5 acres; revise the zoning map and date; revise frontage and lot configuration standards, including the requirement for a "buildable area;" and, revise lot size requirements for multi-family dwellings.
  3. To establish a new mixed-use, higher-density village zoning district in the area around Town Hall to be administered by the Planning Board.
  4. To establish new standards for commercial parking space requirements.
  5. To remove redundancies in the list of permitted uses in Section IV.1.a-d of the CI/MF Zone.
  6. To properly reference the New Hampshire of Environmental Services (NHDES) instead of the New Hampshire Water Supply and Pollution Control Commission (NHWS&PCC) as the NHWS&PCC as it no longer exists.
  7. Clarify that the Planning Board is the sole authority to administer the provisions of the Commercial Village District, and, that any appeals to a Planning Board decision are to be made per RSA 677:15.
  8. To define the location of the Backlands District in the new non-soil based zoning framework.
  9. To revise the provisions of the Wetland District in Section 3.16, including defining the location of the District within the new zoning framework; and, to clarify the methods of wetland delineation.
  10. To revise the provisions of Section 3.19 regarding Open-Space Conservation Developments, including to specify that the Planning Board is the authority to administer the provisions of 3.19 by Conditional Use Permit; to clarify a waiver process; to establish definitions of, and requirements for "homestead lots" and "parent tracts;" to clarify permitted uses in such developments for open space areas and areas of development; to clarify the process for determining allowable density, including the provisions of density incentives; to revise and clarify open space management requirements; to clarify the requirements for condominium association membership; and, home owner association membership.
  11. To allow commercial and residential uses on the same parcel within the Commercial-Industrial Multi-Family (CI/MF) Zone.
  12. To establish that all uses that are permitted by right within the Rural-Agricultural (RA) Zone are permitted by right on lots that are five (5) acres in size or greater in the Residential (R) Zone.
  13. To conduct any non-substantive edits to the document such as spelling, spacing, and numbering that may result from the adoption of any of the aforementioned changes. Copies of the proposed changes are available at Town Hall during regular business hours:
    • Monday 8:30 to 4:00
    • Tuesday 8:30 to 2:00 and 4:00 to 7:00
    • Wednesday and Thursday 8:30 to 2:00

Per order of the Chairman of the Planning Board

Jan. 24, 2019